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/ MacWorld 1997 November / Macworld (1997-11).dmg / Shareware World / Utilities / Disk & File / Yank 2.0 / Yank User's Manual / Yank User's Manual (.png) < prev   
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1997-09-17  |  136KB  |  662x385  |  8-bit (34 colors)
Labels: dialog box | sky
OCR: Uninstall Choices File Path and Name System:System Folder:Preferenres:america online:3.0 Preferences Disk space allocated to this file Date 1ast modified Tue Sep 2 1997 Send this file to the Trash? Stop More Info Leave it Trash it Quick ta Ask befor ue item to the Trash Cancel OK Uninstal Svstem last Ouick before